The following assume that Colibrì will have the same QE and blocking filters as NICER. |
colibrionaxis20190313.arf |
2019 March 13 |
Double-bounce Ir collectors with 4.9-metre focal length, 7 telescopes (32.7 cm aperture),
0.1-25 keV, Geometric Area 19% larger than NICER, f/15, purple in plot below |
colibrionaxis20190213.arf |
2019 February 13 |
Double-bounce Ir collectors with 3.1-metre focal length, 7 telescopes (30 cm aperture),
0.1-15 keV, Geometric area of NICER, f/10, red in plot below |
colibrionaxis20190123.arf |
2019 January 23 |
Single-bounce Au collectors with 5.3-metre focal length, 7 telescopes (52 cm aperture),
0.1-15 keV, Effective area three times NICER, f/10, black in plot below |
Background Models |
Title |
PHA file |
Date |
Description |
Cosmic X-ray Background |
2019 November 21 |
Cosmic X-ray Background from Aird et al. 2015 |
Non-X-ray Background |
2019 November 21 |
Non-X-ray Background scaled from Hitomi observations |
Python Routines |
Title |
Package |
Date |
Description |
Fake Photons |
2019 April 12 |
Generate a Colibrì event list with a given input spectrum produced with xspec fakeit none |
Fake Periodic |
2019 April 12 |
Shift the event arrival times from Fake Photons to follow a given pulse profile (or light curve) and optional ephemeris (pulse arrival time file). |
Fake Periodic 2 |
2019 April 24 |
Shift the event arrival times from Fake Photons to follow a given pulse profile (or light curve) and optional ephemeris (pulse arrival time file).
Support to read profile and ephemerides from FITS files and for pulse profiles that depend on energy channel |
2019 April 19 |
Generate a light curve consisting of a QPO of a given frequency and width.
Use Fake Periodic to shift the arrival times to reflect the QPO. |
Power-Law Power Spectrum |
2019 April 20 |
Generate a light curve with a given power-law power spectrum.
Use Fake Periodic to shift the arrival times to reflect the power spectrum. |
Colibrì Mission Database |
2019 April 12 |
Entries for the xselect mission database file (xselect.mdb) to work with Colibrì data |